An Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) CPD

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) available for CPHT Graduates

Date: Monday 1st July 2024
Timings: 10am to 5pm
Location: Online Zoom Conferencing
Price: £105 (£95 with association membership)
Presenter: Jenny Mellenchip

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About the Course

This CPD is designed to give you an insight in to NLP and an overview of how an NLP Practitioner may practice. It will include some ideas which may complement your practice as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist.

What you will learn:

  • A Brief history of NLP and its founders.
  • The NLP Communication Model – how people gather, process, and encode information.
  • Advance calibration skills – Eye Accessing Cues, Representational systems, sub-modalities.
  • An Introduction to Language patterns & some guidance on writing them. Knowledge
    of the Meta model & Milton Model.
  • Anchors – how to set them, the different ways we can create them and how to
    collapse existing negative anchors.
  • An introduction to timelines and how to use them in your sessions.
  • The NLP version of the rewind technique.
  • How other NLP techniques reinforce what we do as SFH’s

The course will help strengthen your ability to build rapport quickly, and understand how a person is creating their problem states. You will also have the skills and knowledge of how to use language to bring about & deepen a trance state. It will help you to understand why language patterns are written the way they are and maybe even encourage you to write your own.

The importance of understanding Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is why this CPD is also an integral part of the Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma course (AHD).

About the Presenter

Jenny Mellenchip
AHD, DSFH, HPD, SFH Sup(Hyp), MNCH(Acc), MAfSFH, NLP and licensed trainer of NLP

Jenny trained as an NLP practitioner in 2003, with Richard Bandler, Paul McKenna & Michael Breen. After seeing success in her own life from using the techniques, in 2004 she decided to attend the NLP trainer training, again with Bandler, McKenna & Breen. She achieved the qualification of Licensed Training Specialist of NLP, the highest of 4 levels given on the training course. She went on to use the techniques learnt in her training role with a National publishing company & was gratified to see many improvements as a result.

Jenny has a training background spanning over 25 years, including 7 years as a senior lecturer for CPHT. She is very passionate about the Solution Focused Hypnotherapy model and exploring how NLP can bring a new dimension to it, without diluting its success. She is excited to be able to share her knowledge of NLP and how to use the techniques to reinforce your own practice.

Please book this CPD using our Online Booking Form below. If you do not have a PayPal account you can also pay by Debit or Credit card on the PayPal checkout page.

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