Quiz Night

Open To: CPHT Students and Graduates

Date: TBA
Timings: 7pm – 8.30pm
Location: Online Zoom Conferencing
Price: £2.50
Presenter: Andrew Hill and Jennifer Dunseath
Contact: cpd@cpht.co.uk

About the Quiz

This is an informal quiz night open to CPHT Graduates and people in training. The main aim is to have a little fun, friendship and recap on some of the SFH fundamentals, the development of hypnotherapy and the neuroscience.

You can form a team of up to five, or join individually and we will allocate you a team. Just email me the names of your team members in advance and, more importantly, give some thought to your team name!!

We will be using Zoom, no fancy software, so each team will be allocated a Zoom Room to debate the questions and select a spokesperson to share your answers back when we regroup. There will be 5 rounds of 10 questions and the winning teams will go away with a tremendous sense of wellbeing!

Most of the questions will be in the form of multiple choice.

If you want a bit of Positive Interaction and Positive Thought and to get that serotonin flowing then take that Positive Action and get booked on and we look forward to seeing you then! (ooops have I just given away one of the answers!)

There is a £2.50 fee with all proceeds (after paypal fees!) going to the Mental Health Foundation, a charity supporting mental health around the UK.